Atemberaubend: ein Blog über Philosophie.
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Trying out the book for the first time! The 4th graders of art teacher Mrs Bachmann of the 3rd primary school of Leipzig, who also helped to develop the excercises, got each one their own workbook and started to fill them with their own ideas (May 2017).
download excersises
Download the A3-PDF-Book optimized for printing on your printer here.
work process – Warsaw
In Warsaw, the students concentrated on the discussion and improvement of the excercises. Afterwards the final form of the double pages was layouted. The illustrations were realized in a traditional foil technique. Finally, the illustrations were digitalized and edited in InDesign.
work process – Leipzig
The collaboration started in Leipzig with presentations on design, graphic design and architecture of the GDR and the People’s Republic Poland. Afterwards first exercises for the book were sketched, presented and discussed. The best ideas were later tested by pupils of a primary school in the south of Leipzig.
at school in leipzig
3. Schule – Grundschule der Stadt Leipzig After discussing and developing the first ideas for exercises it was time for a visit at the 3rd primary school of Leipzig. The 4th graders of art teacher Mrs Bachmann tested the exercises. The student’s valuable work and wonderful feedback helped us to develop the exercise ideas further.
at school in warsaw
Szkoła Podstawowa im. Kamila Cypriana Norwida w Warszawie The pupils of the school in Warsaw were the first ones to test the new excercise ideas. Their participation and feedback helped the students to finalize the double pages. Kacper Aleksandruk gave us a tour around the school’s premises and some great insights into art education at…
on our way in warsaw
During our week together in Warsaw, we visited the Palace of Culture and Science (Pałac Kultury i Nauki) and went on a city tour with a focus on the reconstruction of Warsaw after the Second World War and the architecture of the Polish People’s Republic. We enjoyed a dinner at a typical restaurant to celebrate at…
about the groups
ABC DDR PRL Oktober 2016 Leipzig Group Anna Albers Arleta Wieja Elisabeth Würzl Emma Resch Franziska Honigschnabel Fulya Gezer Luise Grigoleit Michelle Kluge Sarah Heuer Stefan Fuchs Tabea Heller Tim Theiss Institut für Kunstpädagogik Universität Leipzig Leipzig Mentors Lena Schrieb Prof. Andreas Wendt Warszaw Group Aleksandra Kępka Anna Karczyńska Barbara Koniecka Barbara Melnyk Gabriela Gołowacz Klaudia…
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