Kategorie: Interviews
We Make Healthy Animations, We Draw, We Design Light Collages – Year Five
Year 5 was split up into separate groups to work on a piece of art. They used techniques like collage, watercolours and also pastels. While they were painting they each had a picture to either copy or interpret. Written by Michell
We Create Light Collages, We Animate Drawings, We Study Nature – Year Six
On the 19th June, Year 6 did art based on August Macke. We used ink and whiteboard pens to copy the fruit that was in front of us. We sat at different angles and copied what we could see. The children outside used watercolours and painted what they could see on the laminated pictures.…
Interview Colour – Year Six
Interview Watercolour – Year Six
Interview Pastel – Year Six
We Draw and Paint the Circus – Year Three
Year 3 did fabulous art based on August Macke. Their art was based on the circus and they all used bright colours. They picked three colours to use including: green, purple, blue, red and yellow. They got to practice at first, drawing what was in front of them and then they went on to…
Press Group Interview – Year Three
Interview with Harisson – Year Three
Interview with Josh – Year Three
We Sketch, We Memorize, We Animate – Year Four
In year 4 they worked in groups to produce a piece of art. They did different techniques such as pastels,painting and collage. They also looked at some famous pieces of art by a famous German artist called August Macke and discussed the features of his artwork. Written by Wade
We Tear, We Work in Groups, We Use Pastels – Year Two
Year 2 did some fabulous work. They did things like collages with tissue paper. They scrunched and stuck down tissue paper on A3 paper in groups of 3’s and 4’s. They had lots of fun and created amazing work! Written by Emily
We Paint, We Draw, We Cut – Year One
On the 16th June 2014, all the pupils in Year 1 did art based on August Macke. They had a range of materials including: tissue paper, glitter, crayons and much, much more. Everyone enjoyed it and hopes to do more soon! Written by Emily and Olivia
The Press Team
My name is Olivia Mcwalter my hobby is Sea Cadets on Tuesday and Friday. I have a sister called Sian and my mum and dad. I have a cat called Pasco. My name is Emily and I am 11 years old. I love to dance and I go to a dance school…