Dear Applicants

We are glad to know that you are interested in studying art education at our institute, be it for teaching in schools or teaching in non school-related areas. Apart from obtaining information through the homepage, you can also receive a personal consultation and be professionally advised about matters concerning the goals, subject matter, and organisation of the different degree programmes.

Please send your application via email or WeTransfer to:

Application (please send only one PDF, no single pictures or files!)
– portfolio with 15-30 representative works of art
– including curriculumvitae, artist statement and letter of motivation: Why do you want to participate in the Erasmus+ program at the Institue of Art Education, University of Leipzig?

Please note: The courses are held in german language.

Questions concerning intended courses of studies and the module catalogue are also answered during consultation. Please, contact our Erasmus-Coordinator:

Verena Landau (ERASMUS-Coordinator)
Phone: +49 (0) 341 9737265

Study, research and teaching international (central pages)

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Kategorisiert in Top Institute

Von Andreas Wendt

Andreas Wendt ist Professor für Design und Neue Medien in der Kunstpädagogik.