Living in Leipzig

New in Leipzig? Here you can find information about accommodation and cultural life in Leipzig.


Students in Germany live in halls of residence or in shared flats (Wohngemeinschaften). The Academic Office gives Information about temporary flats and rooms (Zwischenmiete), which are furnished (möbiliert). Please, ask the Academic Office for information regarding accommodation in Leipzig:

Akademisches Auslandsamt

Goethestraße 6
04109 Leipzig
Phone: +49 341 97-32020
Fax: +49 341 97-32049

Shared Flats
Besides you can find Information about temporary flats and rooms on the „Black Board“ in the Internet of the University of Leipzig:

Free Time

You would like to get to know other Erasmus students? The student association „Wilma e.V.“ offers weekly meetings, trips to other cities and events for ERASMUS students:

Students Club Wilma


Modern galleries, historical museums and interesting sights are located in the city centre as well as in other districts of the city. Either on foot or by bicycle, travelling first through the city’s
park and then over through woods, one can make a day trip and visit buildings. Sometimes the winter causes Leipzig’s bodies of waters to freeze. The numerous clubs are frequently visited and terraces in front of bars are full during summer.