Welcome to the Department for Art and Education of the University of Leipzig! The institute is located in the heart of Leipzig’s historical downtown. The university’s main buildings, the buildings for seminars, as well as the libraries and the cafeteria are all within the same vicinity. Spacious rooms, located in an architecturally prominent building (Werkbund 1908) are the premises of a modernly equipped lecture auditorium, a seminar room, rooms for group work, workshops, and studios.

Here students work either under direction of an instructor or independently on their artistic works. The large studios, the painting workshops and the studios for sculpture and object art also provide for a workshop for typography (historical hand setting room), for a workshop for product design and papermaking, as well as for a photography studio with photographic laboratory and for an installation and action art room. Multimedia studios equipped with high level technology offer the utmost best conditions for creative work in the varying areas of new media, especially in the appliedareas of art education.
The institute in the Geschwister-Scholl-House is approximately 300 meters away from the main train station and is located near the famous Nikolai Church. The church became famous through its affiliation with J.S. Bach and through the events from the Peaceful Revolution of 1989.