
At In the beginning of the semester the students have to pay a term fee (Semesterbeitrag) to be enrolled and to get their Student ID (UniCard). The UniCard gives students the possibility to use the public transport for free during the week from 7pm to 5 am and the whole day at the weekends and public holidays. Besides they can buy an inexpensive Student Ticket (Semesterticket) for the public transport. With the student ID the students can enter museums, cinemas, theatres and other cultural events for reduced entrance money. The student ID can be recharged to use it as an instrument of payment for the „Mensa“ (Cafeteria).

Servicepoint UniCard

Goethestraße 6
Room 404
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97-32010
Fax: +49 341 97-32059

Futher Information (regarding the UniCard)