Atemberaubend: ein Blog über Philosophie.
Interview Art Council The children’s turn For each year, two to four children were chosen as representatives and are reporting on their experiences and reflecting on the events of the different lessons. Die Kinder erzählen Für jede Klassenstufe wurden repräsentativ zwei bis vier Kinder ausgewählt, die von ihren Erlebnissen berichten und die Ereignisse der verschiedenen…
Frottage Transforming the school into a garden Frottage is a technique that rubs surfaces on paper. The children of year 1 search for a variety of interesting structures all around the school and are then transforming the schoolbuilding into a garden by first collaging plants from the rubbed of structures, which are then joined up…
Decalcomanie What environments may exist on other planets? The children of year 2 get to know Decalcomania, a coincidence-printing technique. Looking closely, a variety of landscapes and creatures are discovered in the prints, which are then in several steps assembled to a universe full of curious worlds. Welche Umwelten könnte es auf anderen Planeten geben?…
Monotype Who is next to us? Through blind drawings and interviews, the children of year 3 get to know each other even better, before creating a special portrait by using the technique of Monotopype. Not only the appearance is important, but getting to know the other person in all their uniqueness. Wer ist unser Gegenüber?…
What surrounds us? The children of Reception explore the surfaces of their classrooms. Different structures are molded using modeling clay. Subsequently, the clay is used as a stamp to fill different sheets of paper, so the structures become scales, feathers and plants. Was umgibt uns? Die Kinder der Vorschule erkunden in mehreren Arbeitsschritten die Oberflächen…
Interactive Drawing How do we want to live? The children of year 4 get to know the austrian artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser and his ideas. They create drawings, in which Hundertwasser’s theory of the five skins is implemented. Together they develope their ideal habitats. Wie wollen wir leben? Die Kinder der vierten Klassen lernen den Künstler…
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