Part I. Time Travel in Warsaw
17. – 24. October 2021

Artistic Workshop of Verena Landau with polish and german students of art education:
How do moments of history interfere with the modern society of Warsaw?
Following this question nine students from the Institute of Art Education of the University of Leipzig and nine students from the Institut Educacji Artystycznej of the Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej discovered the city of Warsaw.
Different perspectives on the city were opened by a guided tour in the old part of town (Stare Miasto), a visit in the Museum of the History of Polish Jews and the exhibition of Wilhelm Sasnal, an interactive field research in the Warsaw Ghetto, a visit of Palac Kultury, a studio talk with Prof. Maria Kiesner and a biography workshop with Heike Siebert. The individual discoveries created a basis for the art workshop by Verena Landau, starting with a presentation on contemporary artists who work about memory sites and architecture from different historical periods and social systems. Moments from the city discovery were fixed in fotographs and drawings, fotographs were transformed into collages, overpainted computer prints and color scetches. These preparations led to the square acrylic paintings on canvas, shown in the gallery of the Instytut Edukacji Artystycznej.
Alisja Brunejko, Weronika Buczna, Felicitas Chlubna, Alicja Chocholska, Rosalia Chromiriska, Julia Drescher, Nikola Haupt, Honorata Kornacka, Marie Küsel, Gundula Munteanu, Zuzanna Nowal, Aleksandra Paszko, Marta Pawłowska, Alisa Semevskaya, Maria Stawenow, Anna Szcrerba, Clara Thiele, Carolin Weinmann.
Part II is being planned! The second part of the polish-german exchange will take place at the Institute of Art Education, University of Leipzig, from october 17 to 25, 2022.
The exchange project is promoted by: DPJW (Deutsch-Polnisches Jugendwerk) und Ev.-Luth. Landesjugendpfarramt, Landeskirche Sachsens (project leader: Heike Siebert).The artistic workshop by Verena Landau was realised through a staff mobility with ERASMUS+.