Part II. Time Travel in Leipzig

17.10. – 25. October 2022

More impressions from History Moments

Artistic Workshop of Prof. Maria Kiesner, Instytut Edukacji Artystycznej APS, Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej with students of art education from Leipzig and Warsaw: 

Title of the workshop: inside/outside (spaces of Leipzig)

The initial encounter in Warsaw in the october 2021 focused on directly perceiving the city of Warsaw from both historical and contemporary perspectives. Under the guidance of Verena Landau, students expressed their impressions through canvas paintings.
Professor Maria Kiesner’s workshop in Leipzig expanded on this theme by incorporating three-dimensionality. The boxes were painted inside and out, based on photos taken in the city and in private interiors. The students exchanged their subjective experiences of the city of Leipzig. At the same time, the atmospheres of the private spaces in which they were guests were also included.

Working collaboratively, the group passed the boxes along, allowing each participant to contribute without sole responsibility for a single box.
The participants found this interactive way of working together very liberating, as no one was fully responsible for the completion of a box. The boxes were painted inside and out, based on photos taken in the city and in private interiors. The students exchanged their subjective experiences of the city of Leipzig. At the same time, the atmospheres of the spaces in which they were guests were also included.

More impressions from History Moments

This approach resulted in a multi-perspective urban landscape, merging public and private, external and internal views. As part of a mediation concept, participants wrote on postcards of varying ages and placed them in the boxes, transforming them into „letterboxes.“ Writing on the postcards gave the exhibition visitors the opportunity to express themselves personally about what they had observed.

Alisja Brunejko, Felicitas Chlubna, Alicja Chocholska, Rosalia Chromiriska, Julia Drescher, Nikola Haupt, Honorata Kornacka, Marie Küsel, Gundula Munteanu, Zuzanna Nowak, Aleksandra Paszko, Marta Pawłowska, Maria Stawenow,  Anna Szcrerba, Clara Thiele.

Translater: Katarzyna Marks

Project leaders: Heike Siebert, Landesjugendwartin im Landesjugendpfarramt Sachsens and Verena Landau, Bildende Künstlerin mit Schwerpunkt Malerei/Grafik, Dozentin am Institut für Kunstpädagogik der Universität Leipzig

Supported by Evangelisch-Lutherische Landeskirche Sachsen and Deutsch-polnisches Jugendwerk