In this two-week workshop, the participants learned basic skills and knowledge about writing and designing type as a visual form of language.

The starting point was basic writing exercises and the transfer of special fonts from public spaces onto paper and computers. This makes it understandable that the form and shape of fonts have evolved from the millennia-old cultural technique of writing and that these are closely linked to the writing and printing tools as well as the various playback media. Typographic definitions, the examination of exemplary works by important typeface designers and contemporary examples complemented the exercises.
The result was, in addition to the individual exercise sheets, drafts for a mural of the institute building of the IEA, which is expected to be implemented in spring 2022.
Andreas Wendt led the workshop as a visiting professor at the Institute for Art Education of the Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej in October 2021 in Warsaw.
Read the article on the Warsaw Academy of Special Education website.